Bruna Abdullah is all set to get into the shoes of Bollywood beauty Dia Mirza. She is going to do a lengthy cameo in the movie ‘I hate love storesi’ which is beindg directed by Puneeth. A few days back, Puneeth nnarted the cameo role to Dia and she readily accepted this offer.
But suddenly she called Puneeth and said that she cannot feature in this film due to personnel reason suddenly the “ Khatron Ke Khiladi” fame Bruna Abdullah was caonted for this role. Brunad readily accepted to do this cameo role. The raunchy beauty wheom never hesitates to feature less clothes is going to be paid a bomb for her cameo.
Bruna is said to be planning for some south Indian film roles as she has been approiached by few known directors from south. Hger daring acts in the “ Khatron Ke Khiladi” has exposed her to the Indian populace and so she is now a much recognized figure down south.