Model cum actress Misti Mukherjee has got all the reasons to celebrate in the festive mood. Ask why? Well the actress has just not only completed seven music videos in five months but also landed in a film to be produced by Tamil producer Balraj. The film is titled as Thambi Oorukku and Misti is all excited about it. The film will be directed by T Bharti and South superstar Santhosh will act opposite her.
How does it happen? “I was at a party in Bengaluru where I met the producer and director and they instantly liked me. They said I suited the character perfectly,” says Misti.
There was one more surprise waiting for her. “And that’s not all. I had a great surprise waiting for me at the mahurat of the film. They signed me for their next film with the same team in front of 700 people,” she adds.
How does it happen? “I was at a party in Bengaluru where I met the producer and director and they instantly liked me. They said I suited the character perfectly,” says Misti.
There was one more surprise waiting for her. “And that’s not all. I had a great surprise waiting for me at the mahurat of the film. They signed me for their next film with the same team in front of 700 people,” she adds.